Das Modell Bismarck - World of Warships - im Maßstab 1:700 hat eine Länge von ca. 366 mm.
The box contains:· 1 MODEL KIT· 1 LIQUID CEMENT· 1 SHIP GUIDE· 1 WALL POSTER (29,7x42cm)· WORLD of WARSHIPS DECALS· 3 INVITE CODES (7 days of Premium Account, 1000 Gold)· 1 BONUS CODE (Diana Russian Premium Cruiser Tier 2, Port slot, 500 Signal Flags)
Based on the Bayern class of battleships from WWI, the Bismarck was the pinnacle of German heavy ship development and probably the best known German ship of World War II.Even though, its career was extremely short, as a highly decorated battleship due to a spectacular 8-day sortie, the Bismarck obviously deserves a place in our game.
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